menopause and master acupuncture
in western medicine menopause is defined as a time 12 months after a biological woman's menstrual cycle has ended due to lower hormonal levels. Menopause is a natural biological process. But the physical symptoms, such as hot flushes, and emotional symptoms of menopause may disrupt your sleep, lower your energy or affect emotional health. Treatment is focused on adjusting hormonal levels by the use of hormonal replacement therapy combined with lifestyle changes.
western medicine is concerned with gross anatomy, physiology and pathology in diagnosing and treating menopause.
in oriental medicine menopause is a natural period of change in the energetic cycles of life for a biological woman. Energy creates, controls and sustains material form. Treatment is focused on adjusting the energetic balance that creates and controls hormonal balance.
oriental medicine is concerned with subtle anatomy, physiology and pathology in diagnosing and treating menopause.
the energetic cycles of life for a biological woman were first described in a medical science book dating back more than 2000 years ago. This book, the Neijing Suwen, is the basis for all oriental medical theory and practice.
a biological woman's energy cycles change every seven years. As the neijing suwen chapter 1 states:
'the woman aged 7 years:
the kidney energy rises in power,
the teeth are renewed,
the hair grows longer.'
similarly, at the age of 49 years:
'at 7 x 7 years
fertility dries up:
the body withers and
she no longer has children.'
a master acupuncturist knows how to balance this cycle of life according to oriental medicine. To create and control both hormonal production and secretion the acupuncture points gall bladder 37 and liver 3 are used in tandem. After all, GB 37 stimulates the anterior pituitary gland. Adding the energy of chong mai to the treatment protocol enriches the blood to address many of the symptoms of energy imbalance occurring during this 7 year energy cycle.
If you would like to know more about this alternative medical approach to the menopausal condition and also to clinic availability then please email
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